Study Andrén (2019): study ZZ World samples 2018
- Public
- Users of a Haiku website, world wide, 2018
- Survey name
- Unnamed study
- Sample
- Respondents
- N = 552
- Non Response
- Assessment
- Questionnaire: Conputer Assisted Web Interview (CAWI)
- Authors's Label
- Combination of Social network sites visited often
- Our Classification
- Error Estimates
- fb = Face book gw = hg = HaikuJAM ig = Instagram wa = Whats App yt = You Tube
- Operationalization
- a: hg + ig
b: hg+ig+wa
c: hj+gw+wa+fb
d: hj+ ig+wa+yt
e: hj+ig+wa+fb+yt