Study White et al. (2013): study GB 1991
- Public
- 18+ aged, general public, United Kingdom, followed 18 years 1991 - 2008
- Survey name
- UK-BHPS combined waves
- Sample
- Respondents
- N = 56574
- Non Response
- Assessment
Multiple assesment methods
Greenspace: Generalised Land Use Database (GLUD)
- Authors's Label
- Crime rate
- Our Classification
- Remarks
- Source: Data from the Generalised Land Use Database (GLUD, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister, 2005). GLUD classifies land use at high geographical resolution across England and has been applied to 32,482 lower-layer super output areas (LSOAs), a standard geographic unit used to report small-area statistics. LSOA encompass similarly sized populations with each containing around 1,500 people. Mean physical area is 4km2. Area cover approximately 10m2 (2005). Focused mainly on BHPS observations (84%). GLUD devides total land cover in each LSOA into 9 categories=green space, domestic gardens, fresh water, domestic buildings, nondomestidc buildings, roads, paths, railways, and other.
- Distribution
- Mean: 0.14 (0.76)
- Operationalization
- Crime in Lower-layer super output areas (LSOA's).
Observed Relation with Happiness
- local characterits (LSOA):
- Green spece: % surface
- Water: % surface
- Average employment
- Average education
- Average income
- individual characteristics
- Age
- Education
- Married
- Children
- Household income
- Health limitation
- Employment
- Household residence
- Household space
- Commuting time
Analysis at diffferent point in time covering both people who changed residence and not