Study Samuel & Hadjar (2016): study ZZ Europe 2002
- Public
- 25-80 aged, general public, Europe, Multiple nations, 2002 - 2012
- Survey name
- EU-ESS 1-6: 2002-2014
- Sample
- Respondents
- N = 170496
- Non Response
- Assessment
- Interview: face-to-face
- Authors's Label
- Welfare-state regime
- Our Classification
- Remarks
- Source: modified typology of Esping-Andersen (1990,1999). + Blossfeld et al. (2008)
- Related specification variables
- Operationalization
- a. Social Democratic (ref, 5 nations, n= 28114)
b. Conservative (7 nations, n = 36438)
c. Family-oriented (7 nations, n = 31640)
d. Liberal (3 nations n = 21003)
e. Post-socialist (13 nations n = 53301)
Observed Relation with Happiness
b: 7,16 -0.88 (sd = 1,83)
c: 6,72 -1,32 (sd = 2,04)
d: 7,29 -0,75 (sd = 1,84)
e: 5,76 -2,28 (sd = 2,18)
Beta controlled for:
-interaction welfare-regime and status
-individual level differences in education,subjective health, unemployed, female, age and age squared.
-ESS round (Ref. = Round 2002)
- Gini disposable income.
Beta controlled for:
-interaction welfare-regime and status
-individual level differences in education,subjective health, unemployed, female, age and age squared.
-ESS round (Ref. = Round 2002)
- Gini disposable income.
Beta controlled for:
-interaction welfare-regime and status
-individual level differences in education,subjective health, unemployed, female, age and age squared.
-ESS round (Ref. = Round 2002)
- Gini disposable income.
Beta controlled for:
-interaction welfare-regime and status
-individual level differences in education,subjective health, unemployed, female, age and age squared.
-ESS round (Ref. = Round 2002)
- Gini disposable income.