Study Christoph (2010): study DE 2007
- Public
- Working aged, general public, Germany, 2007/2008
- Survey name
- Sample
- Respondents
- N = 9408
- Non Response
- 69.5%
- Assessment
- Interview: face-to-face
- Authors's Label
- Deprivation
- Our Classification
- Distribution
- M=2.0; min.=0, max. = 19.9
- Operationalization
- Selfreport on 26 questions on deprivation:
A An apartment with at least as many rooms as persons live there
B An apartment without damp walls or floors
C A separate bathroom with bathtub or shower
D An indoor toilet
E Central heating, self-contained central heating or district heating
F A garden, a balcony, or a terrace
G To be able to buy new clothing once in a while, even if the old clothes are not worn-out
H A hot meal at least once a day
I Sufficient winter clothing
J A holiday away from home for at least 1 week a year
K To invite friends for dinner at home once a month
L To eat out in a restaurant once a month
M To go to the cinema, a theatre, or a concert at least once a month
N A car
P A video recorder or DVD-player
Q A computer with internet access
R A washing machine
S An upright freezer, a chest freezer, or a refrigerator with a freezer section
T To be able to save a fixed amount a month
U To replace worn but still usable furniture with new
V To be able to pay for unexpected expenses with one's own money, e.g. to replace a broken washing machine
W To be able to afford medical treatment which is not fully covered by one's health insurance, such as dentures or glasses
X To be able to pay the rent for the apartment and/or interest on the house or apartment one lives in always on time
Y To be able to pay the gas, water, heating and electricity bill always on time
Z To be able to buy over-the-counter drugs - such as painrelievers or medicine against cold - if you need them, even if your health insurance does not cover the costs
1 Yes
0 No
Observed Relation with Happiness
- region
- nationality
- gender
- Age
- marital status
- education
- health
- employment status
- income
- savings
- debts