Study Adler et al. (2015): study GB 2013
- Public
- 18+ aged, general public, United Kingdom, 2013
- Survey name
- Unnamed study
- Sample
- Respondents
- N = 6437
- Non Response
- Assessment
- Questionnaire: Conputer Assisted Web Interview (CAWI)
- Authors's Label
- Preference for happiness
- Our Classification
- Remarks
- Choices are presented in two formats: Brief and Extended Example of a BRIEF scenario: - Life A: You feel satisfied with your life. You have not enough money to get by - Life B: You do not feel satisfied with your life. You have enough money to get by Example of an EXTENDED scenario: Health vs. mood: Life One: Michael is in good health. He has never had a major illness or injury. He rarely catches the cold or the u, and almost never needs to take a sick day at work. Michael sees his doctor annually for a check-up, and always receives a clean bill of health". He does not take any medications on an ongoing basis. Michael is strong, and good at physical activities. Despite his good health, Michael does not feel happy on a day-to-day basis. He often feels anxious. Michael is a grumpy person who often reacts negatively to the normal stresses of life. He tends to dwell on setbacks or annoyances. If asked to rate his happiness on a scale from 0 to 10, Michael would say that it is a 4". Life Two: Justin is in poor health. He has a chronic disease for which he takes daily medications. The disease is not life-threatening but makes it difficult for Justin to walk long distances or engage in sports or other vigorous physical activities. Justin experiences moderate pain several times a day. Justin sees his physician regularly about the disease. Despite his poor health, Justin feels happy on a day-to-day basis. He rarely feels anxious. Justin is a cheery person who is not bothered by the normal stresses of life, and does not feel upset even when he thinks about his health condition. He tends to ignore setbacks and annoyances. If asked to rate his happiness on a scale from 0 to 10, Justin would say that it is an 8".
- Distribution
Choice for happiness(LS) in all 5 cases
- on brief scenario 13,7%
- on extended scenario 17,4%
Choice for other good in all 5 cases
- on brief scenario 4,2%
- on extended scenario 4,9% - Operationalization
- Priority for happiness in choices between happines and another valued matter in an imaginary life scenarios
a: health
b: income
c: career
d: family
e: knowledge
1 choice for happiness
0 choice for other good
Observed Relation with Happiness
Difference from lowest happiness quartile (1):
- quartile 2: OPRC = +.025 (05)
- quartile 3: OPRC = +.037 (05)
- quartile 4: OPRC = +.030 (ns)
Difference from lowest happiness quartile (1):
- quartile 2: OPRC = +.028 (05)
- quartile 3: OPRC = +.056 (01)
- quartile 4: OPRC = +.032 (ns)
OPRC's controlled for
- sexe
- age
- family situation
- marital status
- having children
- education
- employment