
Correlational findings

Study Liu & Shang (2012): study CN 2002

Adult general public, urban areas, China, 2002
Survey name
CN-CHIP 2002
N = 2304
Non Response
Interview: face-to-face


Authors's Label
Log(net debts), Log(net housing debts), Log(net business debts)
Our Classification
Net debts: absolute value of household net worth if it is negative, and 0 if the net worth is positive;
Net housing debts: Interaction of log(net debts) and a dummy variable indicating that the household has bank loads or other borrowings for building or purchasing houses;
Net business debts: Interaction of log(net debts) and a dummy variable indicating that the household has bank loads or other borrowings for business

Observed Relation with Happiness

Happiness Measure Statistics Elaboration / Remarks M-FH-g-sq-v-5-d b = -.01 ns NET DEBTS M-FH-g-sq-v-5-d Beta = -.18 Beta calculated by WDH team M-FH-g-sq-v-5-d b-iv = -.05 p < .10 b-iv instrumented for income

b, Beta and b-iv controled for:
- household income
- average household income (city)
- individual-specific characteristics
  - gender
  - age
  - have local Hukou (dummy)
  - minority
  - education
  - marital status
  - employment status
  - working hours
  - disabled
  - health status
- household-specific characteristics  
  - assets
  - household size
  - No. of kids
- city specific characteristics
- province (dummies)
M-FH-g-sq-v-5-d b = -.04 p < .10 M-FH-g-sq-v-5-d b-iv = -.06 p < .05 b and b-iv additionally controled for:
- perceived income
- city (dummies)
M-FH-g-sq-v-5-d b = -.00 ns b (-.004) controled for:
- household consumption
- average household consumption (city)
- individual-specific characteristics(as above)
- household-specific characteristics(as above)
- city specific characteristics
- province (dummies)
M-FH-g-sq-v-5-d b = +.05 p < .05 NET HOUSING DEBTS M-FH-g-sq-v-5-d Beta = +.05 Beta calculated by WDH team M-FH-g-sq-v-5-d b-iv = +.04 p < .10 b and b-iv controled for:
- household income
- average household income (city)
- individual-specific characteristics
  - gender
  - age
  - have local Hukou (dummy)
  - minority
  - education
  - marital status
  - employment status
  - working hours
  - disabled
  - health status
- household-specific characteristics  
  - assets
  - household size
  - No. of kids
- city specific characteristics
- province (dummies)
M-FH-g-sq-v-5-d b = +.05 p < .05 M-FH-g-sq-v-5-d b-iv = +.05 p < .05 b-iv when instrumented for income

b and b-iv additionally controled for:
- perceived income
- city (dummies)
M-FH-g-sq-v-5-d b = +.06 p < .000 b controled for:
- household consumption
- average household consumption (city)
- individual-specific characteristics(as above)
- household-specific characteristics(as above)
- city specific characteristics
- province (dummies)
M-FH-g-sq-v-5-d b-iv = +.04 ns b and b-iv controled for:
- household income
- average household income (city)
- individual-specific characteristics
  - gender
  - age
  - have local Hukou (dummy)
  - minority
  - education
  - marital status
  - employment status
  - working hours
  - disabled
  - health status
- household-specific characteristics  
  - assets
  - household size
  - No. of kids
- city specific characteristics
- province (dummies)
M-FH-g-sq-v-5-d b = +.04 ns NET BUSINESS DEBTS M-FH-g-sq-v-5-d Beta = -.02 Beta calculated by WDH team M-FH-g-sq-v-5-d b = +.04 ns M-FH-g-sq-v-5-d b-iv = +.04 ns b Beta and b-iv additionally controled for:
- perceived income
- city (dummies)
M-FH-g-sq-v-5-d b = +.04 ns b and Beta and b-iv controled for:
- household consumption
- average household consumption (city)
- individual-specific characteristics(as above)
- household-specific characteristics(as above)
- city specific characteristics
- province (dummies)