Study Worach-Kardas & Kostrzewski (2014): study PL Lodzkie 2010
- Public
- 45+,aged unemployed, Poland, 2016
- Survey name
- Unnamed study
- Sample
- Respondents
- N = 454
- Non Response
- Assessment
- Questionnaire: Paper & Pencil Interview (PAPI)
- Authors's Label
- period of unemployment
- Our Classification
- Distribution
- 1 = 50,66 %, 0 = 49,34 %
- Operationalization
- 1. long term unemployed: more than 1 year
0. short term unemployed: up to 6 months
Observed Relation with Happiness
Long term unemployed 2.88 [ 3.11 - 3.08]
Short term unempoyed 3.19 [ 2.99 - 2.77]
- difference -0.31 [-0.15 - -0.47]
Highly satisfied: 1.3 % 2.2 %
Satisfied: 22.2 % 40,2 %
Neither satisfied/
nor dissatisfied: 44,4 % 33,9 %
Dissatisfied: 27.7 % 21.9 %
Highly dissatisfied : 4.4 % 1.8 %