
Correlational findings

Study Allain et al. (1996): study ZW 1994

60+ aged, general public, regions, Zimbabwe, 1994-1995
Survey name
Unnamed study
N = 278
Non Response
Interview: face-to-face
structured interview by trained research nurses


Authors's Label
children give respect
Our Classification
1 = 91%
Self report on single question. Feel children give adequate respect.
0 = no
1 = yes

Observed Relation with Happiness

Happiness Measure Statistics Elaboration / Remarks M-TH-?-sq-v-2-a D% = + p < .005 % happy
children give respect    82%
children give no respect 57%
-difference            + 25%
M-TH-?-sq-v-2-a OR = + ns OR not significant adjusted for:
- rural residence
- live with children
- children could give better support
- children give respect
- satisfied with financial circumstances
- better off than neighbours
- feels lonely
O-SL?-?-sq-v-4-i D% = + p < .001 % happy
children give respect    54%
children give no respect 13%
-difference            + 41%
O-SL?-?-sq-v-4-i OR = 0,13 p < .001 OR for NOT happy if children give respect  CI95 [0.03 - 0.59]

OR adjusted for:
- rural residence
- live with children
- children could give better support
- children give respect
- satisfied with financial circumstances
- better off than neighbours
- feels lonely