Study Hershfield et al. (2013): study US San Francisco, California 1994
- Public
- 18+ aged, general public, San Francisco, California, United States, followed 10 years, 1994-2005
- Survey name
- Unnamed study
- Sample
- Respondents
- N = 312
- Non Response
- Assessment
Interview: face-to-face
After demographic assesments respondents completes a questionnaire on physical health, happiness and cognitive ability. On an electronic pager participants completed the emotion response questionnaires each time they were paged, 5 times a day at random times. After completion of the week-long data collection they returned to the lab for a follow-up interview, after which they were debriefed and paid for their participation.
- Authors's Label
- Negative health symptoms
- Our Classification
- Remarks
- Respondents completed the CMI 3 times. Regression with full sample: n=312.
- Distribution
Level: M = 6,63, SD = 4,64
Change: M =0,54, SD = 0,57 - Operationalization
- Cornell Medical Health Questionnaire (CMI) Respondents reported whether they suffered from 40 symptoms of age related illnesses on the following fields:
a: sensory (e.g. "Are you hard of hearing?")
b: cardiovascular (e.g. "Do you have pains in the heart or chest?")
c: muskeloskeletal (e.g. "Are your joints often swollen?")
c: genitorinary (e.g. "Do you sometimes lose control of your bladder?").
Observed Relation with Happiness
- Positive emotions: Beta=-.07
- Negative emotions: Beta=+.11
- Positive emotions: Beta=-.15
- Negative emotions: Beta=+.06
Increase in health complaints goes with lowering of affect level.
Affect Balance not reported.Direction of correlation with health complaints estimated by WDH team on the basis of correlation with positive and negative affect separately
Beta's controlled for age at entry
Unaffected by additional control for:
- mixed emotion (correlation between positive and negative affect)