Study Cheng et al. (2013): study CN 2011
- Public
- Adult, general public, China, 2011
- Survey name
- CN-China Household Finance Survey (CHFS) 2011
- Sample
- Respondents
- N = 5229
- Non Response
- Assessment
Multiple assesment methods
Interview: telephone (CATI) & Interview: computer assisted (CAPI)
- Authors's Label
- Type of home loan
- Our Classification
- Remarks
- Portfolio loan: combination of housing provident fund and commercial bank loans.
- Distribution
- a. 1.87%; b. 92.67%; c. 5.46%
- Operationalization
- Selfreport on single question:
When your family purchased this home what kind of bank loans did you take?
a. housing provident fund loan
b. commercial loan
c. portfolio loan (reference)
Observed Relation with Happiness
B's controlled for:
-Socioeconomic characteristics
-marital status
-household size
-rural hukou
-Party member
-social insurance
-homeownership property status
-property tenure
-property size
-number of homeownership
-source of homeownership
-home loan
B's addtionally controlled for:
-Perceive better local public safety
-Express lower risk aversion
-better economy
-higher house price
-higher commodity price
-higher interest rate