Study Sabatini (2011): study IT 2008
- Public
- General public, Italy, 2008
- Survey name
- Unnamed study
- Sample
- Respondents
- N = 4130
- Non Response
- Assessment
Questionnaire: Paper & Pencil Interview (PAPI)
not reported, assumed
- Authors's Label
- Work status
- Our Classification
- Distribution
a: M = .15; SD = .36; b: M = .11; SD = .31; c: M = .02; SD = .14; d: M = .02; SD = .15
e: M = .02; SD = .13; f: M = .01; SD = .10; g: M = .01; SD = .09; h: M = .01; SD = .08 - Operationalization
- Selfreport on single question about occupation now (full text not reported)
a. Blue-collar worker
b. White-collar worker
c. Teacher
d. Manager, official
e. Member of professions
f. Entrepreneur
g. Owner of member of family business
h. Working shareholder, partner
Observed Relation with Happiness
B's controlled for:
-Social background
-Marital status
-Health condition
-Income position
-Ownership of the house of residence
-Household income
-Mortgage loan
-CO2 emissions
-Public parks and gardens
-Environmental crimes
-Social assistance
-Cultural supply
-Dirtiness of the local area
-Regional poverty
-Noise in the local area