Study Layard et al. (2013): study GB 2004
- Public
- 34 aged, United Kingdom, followed from childhood, 2004
- Survey name
- UK-British Cohort Study
- Sample
- Respondents
- N = 8868
- Non Response
- Assessment
- Interview: face-to-face
- Authors's Label
- Family weekly income at 10
- Our Classification
- Remarks
- Data set using imputation for missing variables.
- Operationalization
- Log of gross family weekly income at age 10:
7 - £250 and more per week
6 - Between £200 and £249 per week
5 - Between £150 and £199 per week
4 - Between £100 and £149 per week
3 - Between £50 and £99 per week
2 - Between £35 and £49 per week
1 - Under £35 per week
Observed Relation with Happiness
- Social class of father(at age 10)
- Number of siblings(at age 10)
- Average employment rate of father (at birth, age 5 and 10)
- Age when father left full-time education
- Age when mother left full-time education
- Average mental health of mother(at age 5 and 10)
- Post-marital conception
- Both natural parents live in the household (at age 10)
- Gender (female)