Study Morgan et al. (1919): study US 1917
- Public
- Female students, college USA, 191?
- Sample
- Respondents
- N = 97
- Non Response
- Assessment
Interview: face-to-face
Open interview during five successive days, using a verbal projective technique
- Authors's Label
- Pleasant associations.
- Our Classification
- Operationalization
- Score based on the difference between the number of pleasant associations reported by each S, and the average number of pleasant associations reported by the whole sample on each of 5 lists of 50 stimulus words, using one series on each of 5 consecutive days.
Ss were asked: 'When I pronounce a word to you, observe what idea that word first calls to your mind, and report whether it is a plesant or unpleasant idea. If it seems neither pleasant nor unpleasant, but indifferent, continue thinking until either a pleasant or unpleasant idea is suggested and report which it is'.