Study Bowling & Gabriel (2004): study GB 2001
- Public
- 65+aged, Britain, 2000-2001
- Survey name
- Omnibus Survey
- Sample
- Respondents
- N = 999
- Non Response
- 23%
- Assessment
Interview: face-to-face
Interviews took place in the homes of respondents. They lasted between 60-90 minutes.
- Authors's Label
- Social support
- Our Classification
- Operationalization
- Self report of:
a: number of social contacts
b: frequency of social contact by phone face to face and/or email with sons and daughters, brothers and sisters, other relatives, friends, neighbours, time proximity and geographical spread
c: number of practical/instrumental areas can ask for help with: type of helper, time proximity of residences proximity (lift, help if ill, borrow money, everyday chores (errands, odd jobs)
-has someone to turn to for: comfort/support in serious personal crisis
d: number of areas of life in total can ask for help with emotional plus practical areas
Observed Relation with Happiness
- social comparisons and expectations
- personality
- health
- health values
- social capital
- age
- gender
- socioeconomic status