Study Brook et al. (1979): study US Dakota County, Minnesota 1972
- Public
- Heads of households, Dayton , USA, 1972-1979
- Sample
- Respondents
- N = 3441
- Non Response
- Assessment
- Interview: face-to-face
- Authors's Label
- Anxiety
- Our Classification
- Error Estimates
- Internal-Consistency=.88, Test-Retest=.70 with N=437
- Distribution
- Range 5-30, M=12.11, SD=4.67
- Operationalization
- Self-report on 5 questions:
During the past month...
a. Have you been bothered by nervousness or your "nerves"?
b. Have you been under or felt you were under any strain, stress, or pressure?
c. Have you been anxious, worried, or upset?
d. Did you feel relaxed, at ease or high strung, tight, or keyed-up?
e. Were you generally tense or did you feel?