Study Davis (1929): study US 1925
- Public
- Female college graduates, USA, 192?
- Sample
- Respondents
- N = 1200
- Non Response
- Assessment
- Questionnaire: Paper & Pencil Interview (PAPI)
- Authors's Label
- sex feeling, sex desire
- Our Classification
- Distribution
- a. N= 124, b. N= 272, c. N=596, d. N=8
- Operationalization
- Answer to two questions:
a. Do you recall having had any sex feelings or impulses during childhood or after the appearance of menstruation?
B. If you are conscious of definite sex feelings or desires do they arise at more or less regular periods/
a. no sex feeling or sex experience
b. Sex feeling, periodicity of sex desire
c. Sex feeling, no periodicity
d. No answer
Observed Relation with Happiness
a. 3.83 0.05
b. 3.44 0.06
c. 3.70 0.03