Study Thompson et al. (1960): study US 1952
- Public
- 60+ aged, employed at start, followed 2 years, USA, 1952-54
- Sample
- Respondents
- N = 1559
- Non Response
- Assessment
Interview: face-to-face
Structured interview, followed by 2 mailed questionnaires.
- Authors's Label
- Recent retirement.
- Our Classification
- Remarks
- T1-T2 difference 1,5 years
- Distribution
- N = 0: 1082, 1: 477
- Related specification variables
- Operationalization
- 0 Employed: Both at T1 and T2
1 Retired: Between T1 and T2
Observed Relation with Happiness
to to
unhappy happy
Gainfull employed thoughout 34%(550) 22%(532)
Retired 44%(238) 26%(239)
- willing voluntary 31%(75) 29%(65)
- willing administrative 39%(74) 42%(84)
- reluctant voluntary 64%(22) 26%(23)
- reluctant administrative 57%(67) 19%(67)
OR unaffected by
- voluntary vs compulsory retirement.
- economic deprivation