
Correlational findings

Study Treas et al. (2011): study ZZ Developed nations 2001

Women with partner, aged 18-65, 28 countries, 2001-2004
N = 7014
Non Response
Questionnaire: Paper & Pencil Interview (PAPI)
Oral, paper and pencil resp. postal interview with standardised questionnaire


Authors's Label
Work status
Our Classification
Based on weighted data: N= 6696
a: 41 %, b:19 %, c: 30 %, d: 10 %
Which of these descriptions applies to what you were doing last week, that is in the seven days ending last Sunday?
a) Full-time worker(reference category)
b) Part-time worker
c) Homemaker
d) Others, not in labour force

Observed Relation with Happiness

Happiness Measure Statistics Elaboration / Remarks O-HL-g-sq-v-7-a = PART-TIME WORKERS (vs full-time workers) O-HL-g-sq-v-7-a Beta = +.02 ns Beta (+.024) controled for:
- average happiness in nation
O-HL-g-sq-v-7-a Beta = +.04 ns Beta (+.041) additionally controled for:
- age
- age squared
- number of children
- education
- liberal gender ideology
- church attendance
O-HL-g-sq-v-7-a Beta = +.09 p < .01 Beta (+.089) additionally controled for:
- family income
- family income flag
- housework fairness
- task sharing
- family stress
- housework conflict
(possible mediating variables)

Advantage of homemakers slightly smaller in nations that provide more
- GPD per capita
- social spending
- gender ideology

No interaction with the nation's
- female labors force
- affirmative action
- public child care
O-HL-g-sq-v-7-a = HOME MAKERS (vs full-time workers) O-HL-g-sq-v-7-a Beta = +.01 ns Beta (=.011) controled for:
- average happiness in nation
O-HL-g-sq-v-7-a Beta = +.06 p < .05 Beta (+.06) aditionally controled for:
- age
- age squared
- number of children
- education
- liberal gender ideology
- church attendance
O-HL-g-sq-v-7-a Beta = +.12 p < .001 Beta (+.119)additionally controled for:
- family income
- family income flag
- housework fairness
- task sharing
- family stress
- housework conflict
(possible mediating variables)

Advantage of homemakers slightly smaller in nations that provide more
- public child care
- social spending

No interaction with the nation's
- GPD per capita
- female labors force
- gender ideology
- affirmative action
O-HL-g-sq-v-7-a = OTHERS NOT IN LABOUR FORCE (vs full-time workers) O-HL-g-sq-v-7-a Beta = -.09 p < .05 Beta (-.085) controled for:
- average happiness in nation
O-HL-g-sq-v-7-a Beta = -.90 p < .01 Beta (-.090) additionally controlled for:
- age
- age squared
- number of children
- education
- liberal gender ideology
- church attendance
O-HL-g-sq-v-7-a Beta = -.03 ns Beta (-.027) additionally controled for:
- family income
- family income flag
- housework fairness
- task sharing
- family stress
- housework conflict
(possible mediating variables)

No interaction with the nation's:
- public child care
- social spending
- GPD per capita
- female labors force
- gender ideology
- affirmative action