Study Thomas & Chambers (1989): study ZZ East-West pairs 1984
- Public
- 70+ aged, highly educated men, New Delhi, India & London, England, 198?
- Sample
- Respondents
- N = 100
- Non Response
- 5-24%
- Assessment
Interview: face-to-face
Two interviews were conducted, 3-4 weeks apart. Open-ended questions encouraged respondents to talk about themselves and their past. Happiness Question was asked in the body of the second interview. The Cantril Self-Anchoring Ladder was administered at the end of the second interview.
- Authors's Label
- Nation of Residence
- Our Classification
- Distribution
- N= a: 50, b: 50
- Operationalization
- a: New Delhi, India
b: London, England
Observed Relation with Happiness
London M = 7,20
- difference 0,45 t = 1.10
London M = 3,31
- difference 0,05 t = 0.29