
Correlational findings

Study VanAgt et al. (2005): study NL 2000

3 years aged children, The Netherlands, 200?
N = 8877
Non Response
Questionnaire: Paper & Pencil Interview (PAPI)
Postal questionnaire sent to parents. TNO-AZL Pre-school children Quality of Life-questionnaire (TAPQOL)


Authors's Label
Language development
Our Classification
a: Measured by the Language Screening Instrument for 3 to 4-years-old (LSI-CT) b: Measured by the Language Screening Instrument - Parental Form (LSI-PF) c: Measured by the Van Wiechen items |(VW) internationally accepted method of individual development surveillance as an approach of early detection of developmental delays, in combination with anamnesis, physical examination, observation and information from the parents
a: Questions asked and instructions given to the child in order to assess the child's receptive language development, e.g. the ability to name objects or understand orally given instructions

b: Questions asked to parents about:
- productive language as
- fluency,
- articulation and
- vocabulary such as finding adequate words

c: Questions asked to parents about productive language as
- audibility,
- vocabulary such as 'Does your child make comprehensible "sentences"of three word or more?' and
- grammar skills such as 'Does your child use the following words to make questions (who, where, what, how, etc)'?

Observed Relation with Happiness

Happiness Measure Statistics Elaboration / Remarks A-AOL-cq-rdf-v-3-b r = +.11 Language comprehension (Child Test) A-AOL-cq-rdf-v-3-b r = +.12 Language production (Parent Forms)