
Correlational findings

Study Michalos et al. (2001): study CA British Columbia 1999

55-95 aged, Northern Interior Health Region, British Columbia, Canada, 1999
N = 875
Non Response
Questionnaire: Paper & Pencil Interview (PAPI)
Mailed questionnaire


Authors's Label
Personal Fair Treatment Index
Our Classification
Mean = 4.0
Self report on agreement with 9 statements:
a. Police are usually helpful and treat me fairly
b. Helath care providers are usually helpful and treat me fairly
c. Social services workers are usually helpful and treat me fairly
d. People who work in banks and financial institutions are usually helpful and treat me fairly
e.People where I work are usually helpful and treat me fairly
f. People who work in local retail stores are usually helful and treat me fairly
g. Judges and lawyers are usually helful and treat me fairly
h. I feel I have all the rights I need
i. Local scholl officials are usually helful and treat me fairly

1: strongly disagree
5: strongly agree

Observed Relation with Happiness

Happiness Measure Statistics Elaboration / Remarks O-SLW-c-sq-v-7-g Beta = +.22 O-HL-u-sq-v-7-f Beta = +.16 O-SQL-c-sq-v-7-b Beta = +.20 Beta's controlled for:
- Social support
- Crime-Related worries