Study Tiedje et al. (1990): study US 1985
- Public
- Married women with a preschool child, USA, 1985
- Sample
- Respondents
- N = 158
- Non Response
- 22%
- Assessment
Interview: face-to-face
2 hours at home or workplace
- Authors's Label
- Job functioning
- Our Classification
- Remarks
- Items from the Work Role Subscale of the Weissman and Bothwell(1976) Social Adjusment Scale.
- Distribution
- M = 4.05, SD = .43 ,range = 2,83 - 5
- Operationalization
- Self report on 5 questions:
a How many days had you missed from work during the past month?
b How well were you able to do your work, how productive have you been in your work?
c How well did you get along with other people at work?
d How often did you feel upset while doing your work?
e How interesting did you find your work.
Rated 1 - 5