Study Prins (2008): study NL 2007
- Public
- 12-18 aged, The Netherlands, 2007
- Sample
- Respondents
- N = 15116
- Non Response
- Assessment
- Questionnaire: Conputer Assisted Web Interview (CAWI)
- Authors's Label
- Level of education
- Our Classification
- Distribution
- N=1:6412; 2:1907; 3: 2156; 4: 1658; 5: 291; 6: 219
- Operationalization
- 1 VMBO (Lower and Middle Secundary Education)
2 HAVO (Higher Secundary Education, aimed at professional education)
3 VWO (Higher Secondary Education, aimed at universitary study)
4 MBO (Middle Tertiary Education)
5 HBO (Higher Tertiary Education)
6 University
Observed Relation with Happiness
VMBO 8,3%
HAVO 7,4%
VWO 4,4%
No difference in average happiness, but some difference in % unhappy