Study Mollenkopf & Kaspar (2005): study DE 2000
- Public
- 55+ aged, general public, rural areas, East and West Germany, 2000
- Survey name
- Sample
- Respondents
- N = 762
- Non Response
- 41,6%
- Assessment
- Interview: face-to-face
- Authors's Label
- Network variety
- Our Classification
- Distribution
- West Germany: M=3,4; SD=3,0; East Germany: M=3,5; SD=2,6; ns
- Operationalization
- Categories of potentially important persons not living in the same household as the respondents
- Do you have children, how much?
- How many children live in your house, in your part of the city, in your city or further away?
- Please tell me which persons are important to you
Observed Relation with Happiness
- Socio-demographic:
- sex
- age
- satisfaction with finances
- Health-related:
- activities of daily living
- visu-motoric coordination
- affect balance score
- satisfaction with health
- Social network:
- household type
- Housing:
- basic household features
- home ownership
- satisfaction with housing
- Living area:
- available services
- neighbourhood features
- satisfaction with living area
- Mobility:
- car use as passenger
- car use as driver
- satisfaction with public transport
- satisfaction with mobility
- Leisure time activities:
- outdoor leisure activities
- satisfaction with leisure activities
No interaction with region (East/West Germany)