
Correlational findings

Study Baruch & Barnett (1986a): study US 1980

Mothers with children age 4-10, USA,1980
N = 160
Non Response
Interview: face-to-face
Also mailed questionnaire, weekchart. Parents jointly used a chart to indicate 5 typical week days and for 2 typical weekend days the hours during which the target child and each parent were home and awake; they then indicated the nature of the child- parent interaction that typically occured during each of those hours.


Authors's Label
Child-care tasks performed by father
Our Classification
fathers with nonemployed wives M = 1.46 SD = .35
fathers with employed wives  M = 1.65 SD = .41
The mean proportion of the time the father alone performs 11 child-care tasks:taking to birthday party, taking to doctor/dentist, going to teacher conference, supervising morning routine, cleaning up room, spending special time at bedtime, taking to or from lessons, buying clothes, taking on outing (museum, park), supervising personal hygiene, staying home or making arrangements when child is sick.
Score: 1 = 0-20% 5, 2 = 20-40%, 3 = 40-60%, 5 = 80-100%

Observed Relation with Happiness

Happiness Measure Statistics Elaboration / Remarks O-SLW-u-sq-v-7-a Beta = -.11 ns Beta controlled for mothers' work status