Study DeHaes et al. (1992): study NL 1987
- Public
- Breast-cancer patients, The Netherlands, 198?
- Sample
- Respondents
- N = 216
- Non Response
- 75
- Assessment
- Questionnaire: Paper & Pencil Interview (PAPI)
- Authors's Label
- Life domains + coping resources
- Our Classification
- Operationalization
- a Self perceived functioning in
- physical
- psychological
- social
- activility level
- material
- social
b Coping resources
- demographic
- neuroticism (subscal Dutch Personality Inventory)
- selfesteem (Rosenberg 1965 scale)
- coping style (adapted Sidle 1969 scale)
Observed Relation with Happiness
- Perceived functioning 64,8 68,3
- Coping resources 17,6 26,6
- Total 68,1 71,9
- Perceived functioning 44,2 63,6
- Coping resources 32,5 37,3
- Total 50,8 67,2
Satisfaction item (O-Slu) picks up less variance than affect item ((A-AOL), in particular among cancer patients