
Correlational findings

Study Winkelmann (2006): study DE 2000

16-18 aged, Germany, 2000-2001
Survey name
DE-SOEP 2000
N = 640
Non Response
Interview: face-to-face


Authors's Label
Region of childhood
Our Classification
        Mean               SD
A      No data?
B      0.190(19%)         0.393
C      0.257(26%)         0.437
D      0.337(34%)         0.473
Childhood was mostly spent in a:
A Big ciy (reference group)
B mid-sized city
C small city
D rural area

Observed Relation with Happiness

Happiness Measure Statistics Elaboration / Remarks O-HL-c-sq-n-11-a OPRC = +.01 ns Mid-sized city      (vs big city) O-HL-c-sq-n-11-a OPRC = +.00 ns Small city          (vs big city) O-HL-c-sq-n-11-a OPRC = +.08 ns Rural area          (vs big city)

OPRCs controlled for:
- non-intact family
- household income
- having an own room
- being a single child
- gender
- German nationality
- Territory of West Germany
- Being in school
- Engaged in vocational training
- work
O-HL-c-sq-n-11-a = OPRCs unaffected by additional controlled for:
-type of school(hauptschule, realschule, gymnasium)
-good student
-repeat a grade
-education of parents(father gymnasium, mother gymnasium)
-log number of books in the household

B Mid sized city
probit result= 0,007
CI95=[0,25  0,26]

C Small city
probit result= 0,022
CI95=[-0,22   0,26]

D rural area
probit result= 0,051
CI95=[-0,18  0,28]