Study Cummins et al. (2004c): study AU 2003
- Public
- 18+ aged, general public, Australia, 2003
- Sample
- Respondents
- N = 1897
- Non Response
- 88%
- Assessment
- Interview: Computer Assisted Telephone Interview (CATI)
- Authors's Label
- Total Worth
- Our Classification
- Distribution
- N= 1: 213, 2: 201, 3: 146, 4: 323, 5: 392, 6: 93, 7: 106
- Operationalization
- Single question:
If you were to sell everything you own, about how much money would you have?
1: <$10000
2: about $50000
3: about $10000
4: about $200000
5: about half a million
6: about 1 million
7: More than 1 million
Observed Relation with Happiness
2 Mt = 7,13; SD = 1,98
3 Mt = 7,70; SD = 1,56
4 Mt = 7,86; SD = 1,66
5 Mt = 8,00; SD = 1,47
6 Mt = 8,10; SD = 1,62
7 Mt = 8,27; SD = 1,46
4>2, p< .000
5>1, p< .000
5>2, p< .000
6>1, p< .002
6>2, p< .000
7>1, P< .000
7>2, p< .000