Study Cummins et al. (2002b): study AU 2002
- Public
- 18+ aged, general public, Australia, 2002
- Sample
- Respondents
- N = 2003
- Non Response
- 88%
- Assessment
- Interview: Computer Assisted Telephone Interview (CATI)
- Authors's Label
- Work Type
- Our Classification
- Distribution
- N = 1 : 260, 2 : 260, 3 : 129, 4: 129, 5 : 260
- Operationalization
- Single question:
Thinking about the work that you do, what do you consider to be your main area of work?
1: Paid employment
2: Family & household care
3: Voluntary work
4: Study
5: No work
Observed Relation with Happiness
2: Mt =78.92, SD =17.54
3: Mt =80.54, SD =19.13
4: Mt =75.89, SD =14.50
5: Mt =76.12, SD =21.81