Study Kellerman et al. (1977): study US 1972
- Public
- Children hospitalized with cancer, US, 197?
- Sample
- Respondents
- N = 7
- Non Response
- Assessment
Behavioural observation
Rated 3 times daily(per 8 hours) along 64 behavioral dimensions by nurse
- Authors's Label
- Talking about illness
- Our Classification
- Remarks
- rating 3 or 4 was operationalized as a disease-related communication
- Distribution
- The overall rate of communication (the number of disease-related communication devided by the total number of rationg ): M=8.1% , SD= 5.6
- Operationalization
- Taking about illness was rated by nurse during 3 times a day during ?days
1= never
2= rarely
3= sometimes
4= often
Observed Relation with Happiness
Mean mood rating during desease-related communication: M=3.7, SD=.58 (Mt=6.75)