Study Jacob & Brinkerhoff (1997): study US 1989
- Public
- 'Back to the land' mini farmers, USA,1989
- Sample
- Respondents
- N = 565
- Non Response
- 43,8
- Assessment
Questionnaire: Paper & Pencil Interview (PAPI)
Mailed questionnaire
- Authors's Label
- Realized Country Asceticism
- Our Classification
- Distribution
- HFP: M=35.96 Med=30.0
- Operationalization
- Discrepancy between valued and achieved country asceticism.
VALUE of country asceticism:
Reported importance of not having: 1.gas or electric clothesdryer, 2.indoor toilet or bathroom, 3.electricity in your own home, 4.micro-wave oven, 5.not living in an modern house
PERFORMANCE: Home Food Production(HFP)
Index calculated by measuring the percentage of family's food that the respondents claimed was produced from their smallholding.
GAP between value and performance is constructed by dichotomizing the value scale and performance indexes at their respective medians and to cross these indicators with each other. The respondents will fall in one of the four categories:
a. No gap, low values-low TSR
b. gap, high values-low TSR
c. gap, low values-high TSR
d. no gap, high values-high TSR.
Observed Relation with Happiness
b. M=3.05
c. M=3.30
d. M=3.50
b-c difference significant p<.05