Study Dershem et al. (1996): study RU 1993
- Public
- Household heads, villages, Russia 1993
- Sample
- Respondents
- N = 263
- Non Response
- not reported
- Assessment
Interview: face-to-face
Structured interview. "head of the household responsible for social services and plot production" were interviewed. This led to a bias of more women; given the higher life expectancy of women, proportion of women is not much greater than their proportional representation
- Authors's Label
- Center for Epidemilogical Studies Depression Scale (CES-D Sc )
- Our Classification
- Error Estimates
- Cronbach alpha: 0.79
- Remarks
- 21 % did not answer all items of the inventory and were excluded (mostly males)
- Distribution
Range 3.33 to 48.12, mean 22.45
70% showed symptoms of depression ( higher than 16) - Operationalization
- Self report on 11 questions about symptoms during the past week:
- Blues
- Effort
- Depressed
- Fearful
- Poor appetite
- Happy
- Enjoyed life
- Hopeful
- People disliked me
- Lonely
- Could not get going
0 = none of the time,
1 = some or little
2 = occasionally or moderate amount
3 = most or all of the time
Shortened Russian version of CES-D scale (original 20 items)