Study Covinsky et al. (1999): study US 1994
- Public
- 80+ aged patients 2 months after hospitalization, USA, 1994
- Sample
- Respondents
- N = 493
- Non Response
- 564
- Assessment
- Interview: Computer Assisted Telephone Interview (CATI)
- Authors's Label
- Psychological distress
- Our Classification
- Distribution
- N: 1=151, 2=157, 3=154
- Operationalization
- Selfreport on 14 questions about depression and anxiety during the prior week(McNair Moods Profile)
Psychological distress scores were calculated by summing the profiles of mood states, depression and anxiety scales:
1=lowest tertile (least distressed)
2=middle tertile
3=highest tertitle (most distressed)
Observed Relation with Happiness
2. M=2.96 SD=.90
3. M=2.42 SD=.98
"good or better" versus
"fair or worse"
1: 3.2
2: 2.2
3: 1 (reference)
Chance controled for
- physical capacity
- independence in daily activities
- pain