Study Bray & Howard (1980): study US 1956
- Public
- 40+ aged, male managers, Bell Telephone Company, 1956-1976
- Sample
- Respondents
- N = 422
- Non Response
- panel loss a t T5: 37%
- Assessment
Rating by experts
Expert ratings based on various methods used in assesment center
- Authors's Label
- Earlier expectations inventory
- Our Classification
- Operationalization
- Bell-System designed measure "Expectations Inventory".
This inventory reflects on favorability of expectations about one's career.
At T1 Ss were asked to indicate what they thought would be true for them five years hence.The questionnaire referred to salary, promotions, supervision, collegues, type of work and working and living conditions. High score means favorable expectations.
Assessed at T1 (20 years before T5).