Study Bray & Howard (1983): study US 1956
- Public
- 40+ aged male managers, Bell Telephone Company, 1956-1980
- Sample
- Respondents
- N = 422
- Non Response
- Panel loss at T5 37%
- Assessment
Rating by experts
Expert ratings based on various methods used in assesment center
- Authors's Label
- Avocational interests
- Our Classification
- Operationalization
- Rating by 4 experts on the basis of multi-method assessments during stays in assessment-center.
Rater instruction: "To what extent does this person find meaning and satisfaction in a hobby or hobbies?"
(Consider depth and intensity of interest, not breadth. Includes work if it is not Bell System Work)".
Assessed at T5.
Observed Relation with Happiness
Analysis showed a non-significant correlation.