Study Bray & Howard (1980): study US 1956
- Public
- 40+ aged, male managers, Bell Telephone Company, 1956-1976
- Sample
- Respondents
- N = 422
- Non Response
- panel loss a t T5: 37%
- Assessment
Rating by experts
Expert ratings based on various methods used in assesment center
- Authors's Label
- Emotional stability/lack of nervousness
- Our Classification
- Operationalization
- Guilford-Martin Inventory of Factors GAMIN-N scale.
This scale reflects on characteristics of a positive self-concept.
This scale in particular contains items reflecting lack of nervousness and possession of a steady temperament.
Assessed at T5.
Observed Relation with Happiness
Later analysis of the full study-group (N=266) also showed a significant positive correlation (BRAY 1983: 302/3).