

Knight & Gunatilaka (2011): study CN 2002


Knight, J.B.; Gunatilaka, R.
Does Economic Growth Raise Happiness in China?
Oxford Development Studies, 2011, Vol. 39, 1 - 24


Adults, China, 2002
Survey name
CN-CHIP 2002
Selection from general population sample
N = 8872
Non Response
Interview: face-to-face

Happiness Measure(s) and Distributional Findings

Full text:
Self report on single question:

On the whole, do you feel happy nowadays?
0  very unhappy
1  unhappy
2  so-so
3  happy
4  very happy
Author's label:
Unweighed mean computed by WDH-team from mean urban happiness (M=2,48) and mean rural happiness (M=2,68). Rural-urban migrants: M=2.37
Page in publication:
Observed distribution
Summary Statistics
On original range 0 - 4 On range 0-10
2.67 -
- -

Correlational Findings

Author's label Subject Description Finding Gender Sex: male (vs female) Age and age squared Current age (in years) Married Married state (compared to non-married states) Divorced Divorced or separated Widowed Widowed In good health Self-perceived health Log of per capita household income Household income Net wealth ('000 yuan) Total wealth Working hours ('00 per year) Hours work Extent of fairness, income distribution of China Attitudes to economy in the nation Extent of fairness income distribution in the city Attitudes to economic conditions in vicinity Living standard in the city Income level in vicinity
Material standard of living
Expected change income over next 5 years Change in income Average p.c. income in province/ in city (log) Average income in region Unemployed Unemployed involuntary Self-perceived social problems Current attitudes to nation Profit or loss of enterprise Business assets Laid off work sometime in 2002 Recent temporary unemployment Household income compared to village average Relative to income in neighborhood
Income expectations
Income comparisons
Current living standards compared to 5 years ago Change in income Gini of household income p.c. at county level Income inequality in nation
Income inequality in region
Degree of harmony among lineages Family climate
Perceived quality of intimate ties
Degree of harmony in village Current livability of local environment Agree that money is important Materialistic values Importance of family Attitudes to family of relatives Importance of friends Attitudes to friendship Living with family members Current household-composition Number of relatives and friends in city Total number of intimate ties Child still in village Change in family of origin No heating Expenditures on: Utilities Satisfaction with job Satisfaction with work-as-a-whole Index of discrimination Perceived discrimination in nation Easyness of finding a job Looking for another job Duration of urban residence in years Length of residence