Bibliographic Subjects » VIEWS ON HAPPINESS: » Views on one's own happiness » Prediction of one's own happiness
- Classification path
VIEWS ON HAPPINESS: Views on one's own happiness Prediction of one's own happiness - Additional keywords
- Prediction of one's own happiness, expectation, optimism, pessimism
- Related bibliographic subjects
- Related correlational subjects
- None
Publications that report an empirical study that used a valid measure of happiness, the results of which are eligible for inclusion in the findings archive
- No empirical study reported
- 0
- No valid measure of happiness used
- 0
- Eligible but not yet entered
- 3
- Eligible and included in findings archive (embedded studies)
- 1
List of Publications on this Subject
Vintage Books, 2005, New York, USA
Journal of Personality and Social Personality, 2002, Vol. 82, 503 - 514
CEPS Working Paper, no. 125, 2006, Brussels, Belgium
Journal of Economic Perspectives, 2006, Vol. 20, 221 - 234.
Discussion Paper No. 468, Australian National University, 2003, Canberra, Australia
Journal of Happiness Studies, 2011, Vol. 12, 41 - 49
Psychological Science, 2010, Vol. 21, 1783 - 1786
IZA Discussion Paper, 2015, No. 9252, 1 - 42
Lipovčan et al. SpringerPlus,2015, Vol. 4, 699 - 708
Psychological Science, 2011, Vol.22, 1101 - 1106