
Bibliographic subjects

Bibliographic Subjects » VIEWS ON HAPPINESS: » Views on one's own happiness » Perceived change in one's happiness over time » Expected happiness in the future

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VIEWS ON HAPPINESS: Views on one's own happiness Perceived change in one's happiness over time Expected happiness in the future
Additional keywords
Expected happiness in the future, future, expectation, predicted, projected
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Related correlational subjects

Publications that report an empirical study that used a valid measure of happiness, the results of which are eligible for inclusion in the findings archive

No empirical study reported
No valid measure of happiness used
Eligible but not yet entered
Eligible and included in findings archive (embedded studies)

List of Publications on this Subject

Authors Title / Source Year Neal, J.D.; Mohr, H.M. Lebensqualität in der Bundesrepublik 1978 und 1984. (Quality of Life in West Germany 1978 and 1984).
Soziale Welt, 1986, Vol. 37, 25 - 47
Cantril, H. The Pattern of Human Concern.
Rutgers University Press, 1965, New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA
Eurobarometer, The Perception of Poverty in Europe 3.
European Commission, 1990, Brussels, Belgium
Nederlandse St. Statistics, Tevredenheid en Welvaart. (Contentment and Affluence).
Research Report A 4980, Nederlandse Stichting voor de Statistiek, 1974, The Hague, Netherlands
Prime Minister's Office, Public Opinion Survey on the Life of the Nation.
Foreign Press Center, August 1985, Tokyo, Japan
Gallup & Kettering, Human Needs and Satisfactions: A Global Survey. Table Books: United States: Vol.1 & Vol. 2.
Charles F. Kettering Foundation and Gallup International Research Institutes, 1976, USA
Fibel, B.; Hale, W.D. The Generalized Expectancy for Success Scale: A New Measure.
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 1978, Vol. 40, 924 - 931
Forsé, M.; Déchaux, J.H.; Jaslin, J.P.; Lemel, Y.; Mendras, H.; Stoclet, D. Recent Social Trends in France, 1960 -1990.
Series: Comparative Charting of Social Change, Campus Verlag, 1993, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Glatzer, W.; Hondrich, K.O.; Noll, H.H.; Stiehr, K.; Wörndl, B. Recent Social Trends in West-Germany 1960-1990.
Series Comparative Charting of Social Change, Campus Verlag, 1993, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Langlois, S.; Baillargeon, J.P.; Caldwell, G.; Fréchet, G. Recent Social Trends in Quebec 1960 - 1990.
Series: Comparative Charing of Social Change, Campus Verlag, 1993, Frankfurt am Main, Germany