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Bibliographic Subjects » VIEWS ON HAPPINESS: » Views on happiness in public opinion » Cultural variations in views on happiness » Rise of the western happiness ideas

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VIEWS ON HAPPINESS: Views on happiness in public opinion Cultural variations in views on happiness Rise of the western happiness ideas
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Rise of the western happiness ideas, history of idea
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Publications that report an empirical study that used a valid measure of happiness, the results of which are eligible for inclusion in the findings archive

No empirical study reported
No valid measure of happiness used
Eligible but not yet entered
Eligible and included in findings archive (embedded studies)

List of Publications on this Subject

Authors Title / Source Year Bradburn, N.M. The Structure of Psychological Well-Being.
Aldine Publishing, 1969, Chicago, USA
Bury, M. Quality of Life: Why Now? A Sociological View.
Nordefelt, L. (Ed).: "Concepts and Measurement of Quality-of-Life in Health Care", Kluwer, 1994, Dordrecht, Netherlands, 117 - 134
Buschinger, D. L'Idée de Bonheur au Moyen Age. (The Idea of Happiness in Medieval Time).
Kümmerle, 1990, Germany
Mandt, H. Streben nach Glück: Menschenrecht und staatliche Garantie. (Pursuit of Happiness: Human Rights and Guaranteed by the State).
Bellebaum, A.; Braun, H.;Gross, E.;Eds.: "Staat und Glück", Westdeutscher Verlag, 1998, Opladen, Germany, 53 - 68
Mandt, H. Menschenrecht auf Glück? Eine Analyse kontinentaleuropärischer Staatsauffassungen. (Human Right for Happiness? Analysis of Continental European Indeas about the State).
Bellebaum, A.; Braun, H.;Gross, E.;Eds.: "Staat und Glück", Westdeutscher Verlag, 1998, Opladen, Germany, 69 - 81
Porter, R. The Quality of Life.
British Medical Journal, 2002, Vol. 321, 1572 - 1576
Prisching, M. Glücksverplichtung des Staates. (Happiness Obligation od the State).
Bellebaum, A.; Braun, H.;Groos, E.;Eds.: "Staat und Glück", Westdeutscher Verlag, 1998, Opladen, Germany, 16 - 52
Rostvig, M.S. The Happy Man: Studies in the Metamorphosis of a Classical Ideal.
Norwegian University Press, 1962, Oslo, Norway
Sternberger, D. Wandlungen des Glücksanspruchs in der Neuzeit. (Change in Demands for Happiness in Modern Time).
Kundler, H.;Ed.: "Anatomie des Glücks", Verlag Kiepenheuer & Witsch, 1971, Köln, Germany, 23 - 31
Winter, M. Lebensläufe aus der Retorte. (Course of Life from the Retort).
Zeitschrift für Literatur Wissenschaft und Linguistik, 1983, Vol. 50, 48 - 69