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Bibliographic Subjects » VIEWS ON HAPPINESS: » Views on happiness in public opinion » Cultural variations in views on happiness

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VIEWS ON HAPPINESS: Views on happiness in public opinion Cultural variations in views on happiness
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Cultural variations in views on happiness, cross-cultural, belief, value
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Publications that report an empirical study that used a valid measure of happiness, the results of which are eligible for inclusion in the findings archive

No empirical study reported
No valid measure of happiness used
Eligible but not yet entered
Eligible and included in findings archive (embedded studies)

List of Publications on this Subject

Authors Title / Source Year Eid, M.; Diener, E. Norms for Experiencing Emotions in Different Cultures: Inter- and Intranational Differences.
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 2001, Vol. 81, 869 - 885
Inglehart, R. Culture and Democracy.
Harrison, L.E.; Huntington, S.P.; Eds.: "Culture Matters", Basic Books, 2000, New York, USA , 80 - 97
Matsushita, M. Happiness and the Idea of Happiness.
Dougherty, J.P.;Ed.: "The Good Life and its Pursuit", Paragon House, 1984, New York, USA
Hahn, A. Paradiesischer Glück. (Paradise like Happiness).
Bellebaum, A.; Ed.: "Glücksforschung", UVK Verlaggesellschaft, 2002, Konstanz, Germany, 109 - 128
Bargatzky, T. Contemplativus in Actione. Glücksvorstellungen im Kulturvergleich. (Contemplativus in Actione. Views on Happiness across Cultures).
Bellebaum, A.; Ed.: "Glückforschung", UVK Verlaggesellschaft, 2002, Konstanz, Germany, 95 - 108
Demir, M.; Grishkina, T.; Linley, P.A. What makes People Happy? A Cross-Cultural Comparison of British, Latvian and Turkish Young Adults.
Poster presented at 2nd Positive Psychology Summit, October 2-5, 2003, Washington, USA
Antoni, K. Fuku und Sachi: Die religiöse Konzeption des Glücks in der Japanische Kultur. (Religious Concepts of Happiness in Japan.)
Bellebaum, A.; Ed.; "Vom guten Leben", Akademie Verlag, 1994, Berlin, Germany, 223 - 268
Bauer, W. Utopismus und Wirklichkeitssinn in alten und neuen China. (Utopianism and Realism in Antique and Modern China).
Bellebaum, A.; Ed.: "Vom guten Leben", Akademie Verlag, 1994, Berlin, Germany, 185 - 222
VonStietencron, H. Das Glück und die Schatchen der Vergänglichkeit im alten India. (Happiness and the Shadow of Death: Religious/Philosophical Concepts of Happiness in Ancient India).
Bellebaum, A.; Ed.: "Vom guten Leben", Akademie Verlag, 1994, Berlin, Germany, 153 - 183
Veltri, G. Konzepte des "Glücks" im antiken Judentum. (Concepts of "Happiness" among Antique Jews).
Bellebaum, A.; Ed.: "Vom guten Leben", Akademie Verlag, 1994, Berlin, Germany, 115 - 152