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Bibliographic Subjects » VIEWS ON HAPPINESS: » Views on happiness in public opinion » Beliefs about happiness » Perceived sources of happiness: Concepts of the good life » Public opinion

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VIEWS ON HAPPINESS: Views on happiness in public opinion Beliefs about happiness Perceived sources of happiness: Concepts of the good life Public opinion
Additional keywords
Public opinion, common people, man on street, lay theories
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Publications that report an empirical study that used a valid measure of happiness, the results of which are eligible for inclusion in the findings archive

No empirical study reported
No valid measure of happiness used
Eligible but not yet entered
Eligible and included in findings archive (embedded studies)

List of Publications on this Subject

Authors Title / Source Year Berscheid, E.; Bohrnstedt, G.; Walster, E. The Happy American Body: A Survey Report.
Psychology Today, 1973, Vol. 7, 119 - 131
Brann, M.; Bandilla, W. Familie und Rolle der Frau. (Family and the Role of Women).
Statistisches Bundesamt (Ed).: "Datenreport 1992. Zahlen und Fakten über die Bundesrepublik Deutschland", Verlag Bonn Aktuell, 1992, München, Germany
Inglehart, R.; Basanez, M.; Moreno, A. Human Values and Beliefs: A Cross Cultural Sourcebook. Political, Religious, Sexual, and Economic Norms in 43 Societies: Findings from the 1990 - 1993 World Value Survey
University of Michigan Press, 1998, Ann Arbor, USA
King, L.A.; Napa, C.K. What Makes A Life Good?
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1998, Vol. 75, 156 - 165
Grewal, I.; Bajekal, M.; Nazroo, J. Influences on Quality of Life: A Qualitative Investigation of Ethnic Differences among Older People in England.
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 2004, Vol. 30, 737 - 761
Arora, R. Affluent Americans: Priorities of the Prosperous.
Gallup Poll News Service, 8 February 2005, The Gallup Organization, Washington DC, USA
Deen, N.; DeWit, M.; Kersten, J.; Verheggen, P.P. Werkt Nederland nog Gelukkig? Een Onderzoek naar de Tevredenheid en Werkbeleving van de Nederlandse Werknemer. (Do the Dutch Work Happily?)
Motivaction International B.V. i.o.o. Randstad (Temp Agency), 2003, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Deen, N.; Verheggen, P.P.; Wilcke, E. Het Geluk van Werkend Nederland 2005. (The Happiness of Working People in the Netherlands in 2005).
Project paper I0164 Motivaction i.o.o.Randstad (Temp Agency), 2005, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Arora, R. How Do 21st Century Teens Spell Success?
Gallup Poll News Service, 19 October 2004. The Gallup Organization, Washington DC, USA
Delhey, J. Life Satisfaction in an Enlarged Europe.
European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, 2004, Dublin, Ireland