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Bibliographic Subjects » VIEWS ON HAPPINESS: » Views on happiness in public opinion » Attitudes to happiness » Moral appreciation of happiness » Public opinion

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VIEWS ON HAPPINESS: Views on happiness in public opinion Attitudes to happiness Moral appreciation of happiness Public opinion
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Public opinion, common people, lay,
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Publications that report an empirical study that used a valid measure of happiness, the results of which are eligible for inclusion in the findings archive

No empirical study reported
No valid measure of happiness used
Eligible but not yet entered
Eligible and included in findings archive (embedded studies)

List of Publications on this Subject

Authors Title / Source Year Noelle-Neumann, E.; Köcher, R. Allensbacher Jahrbuch der Demoskopie 1984-1992, Band 9.
K.G. Saur, 1993, München, Germany
Caplow, T.; Bahr, H.M.; Chadwick, B.A.; Modell, J. Recent Social Trends in the United States 1960 - 1990.
Series Comparative Charting of Social Change, Campus Verlag, 1993, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 548 - 561
Schwartz, S.H. Beyond Individualism-Collectivism: New Cultural Dimensions of Values.
Kim, U.;et al;Eds.: "Individualism and Collectivism: Theory, Method and Applications", Sage, 1994, USA, 85 - 119
Harding, S.D. Values and the Nature of Psychological Well-Being.
Abrams, M.;Gerard, D.;Timms, N.,Eds.: "Values and Social Change in Britain", McMillan, 1985, London, UK, 227 - 252
Harding, S.D.; Fogarty, M.; Phillips, D. Contrasting Values in Western Europe.
McMillan, 1986, London, UK
Lowenthal, M.F.; Chiriboga, D.A.; Thurnher, M. Four Stages of Life. A Comparative Study of Women and Men Facing Transition.
Jossey-Bass, 1975, San Francisco, USA
Holmen, J.; Midthjell, K. The Nord-Trondelag Health Survey 1984-86. Purpose, Background and Methods, Participation, Non-Participation and Frequency Distributions.
National Institute of Public Health, 1990, Report nr. 4, Verdal, Norway
Sternberger, D. Das Menschenrecht nach Glück zu streben. (The Right to Pursue Happiness).
Sternberger, D.; "Ich wünschte ein Burger zu sein. Neun Versuche über den Staat", Suhrkamp, 1967, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 131 - 147
Eurobarometer, Eurobarometer Report, Nr. 39. Issues Facing European Societies.
European Commission, 1993, Brussels, Belgium
Diener, E.; Shao, L.; Smith, H.L.; Suh, E.M. National Differences in Reported Subjective Well-Being: Why do They Occur?
Social Indicators Research, 1995, Vol. 34, 7 - 32