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Bibliographic Subjects » VIEWS ON HAPPINESS: » Views on happiness in philosophy » Concepts of happiness » Specific concepts of happiness

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VIEWS ON HAPPINESS: Views on happiness in philosophy Concepts of happiness Specific concepts of happiness
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Specific concepts of happiness, components, variants
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Publications that report an empirical study that used a valid measure of happiness, the results of which are eligible for inclusion in the findings archive

No empirical study reported
No valid measure of happiness used
Eligible but not yet entered
Eligible and included in findings archive (embedded studies)

List of Publications on this Subject

Authors Title / Source Year Brülde, B. Happiness Theories of the Good Life.
Journal of Happiness Studies, 2007, Vol. 8, 15 - 49.
Morris, S. M. The Science of Happiness: A Cross-Cultural Perspective.
Selin, H.; Davey, G; Eds.: "Happiness Across Cultures. Views of Happiness and Quality of Life in Non-Western Cultures Across Cultures. The History of Non-Western Science 6.", Springer, 2012, New York, USA, 435 - 450
Busseri, M.A.; Sadava, S.W. A Review of the Tripartite Structure of Subjective Well-Being: Implications for Conceptualization, Operationalization, Analysis, and Synthesis.
Personality and Social Psychology Review, 2011, 15 (3) 290-314
David, S.A.; Boniwell, I. Philosophical Methods in Happiness Research
The Oxford Handbook of Happiness, 2013, Chapter 24, 315 - 325
Rodogno, R. Happiness and Well-Being: Shifting the Focus of the Current Debate.
South African Journal of Philosophy, 2014, Vol. 33, 433 - 446
Jacobson, E. What is Happiness? The Concept of Happiness in Existential Psychology and Therapy.
Existential Analysis, 2007, Vol 18, 39 - 49