
Bibliographic subjects

Bibliographic Subjects » STUDY of HAPPINESS » Development of happiness research » Prominence of happiness as a research topic » Happiness in anthropology

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STUDY of HAPPINESS Development of happiness research Prominence of happiness as a research topic Happiness in anthropology
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Happiness in anthropology, non-western civilizations
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Publications that report an empirical study that used a valid measure of happiness, the results of which are eligible for inclusion in the findings archive

No empirical study reported
No valid measure of happiness used
Eligible but not yet entered
Eligible and included in findings archive (embedded studies)

List of Publications on this Subject

Authors Title / Source Year Manabe, K The Culture of Happiness and Satisfaction in Asia.
Inoguchi, T;, Eds.: "Human Beliefs and Values in Striding Asia", Akashi Shoten, 2006, Tokyo, Japan, 1 - 16, 295 - 310
Thin, N. Happiness and the Sad Topics of Anthropology.
WeD Working Paper 10, Escr Research Group on Well-being in Developing Countries, 2005, UK
Thin, N. 'Realising the Substance of Their Happiness': How Anthropology Forgot about HOMO GAUISUS.
Corsin Jimenez, A.;Ed.: ''Culture and Well-Being'', Pluto Press, 2008, London, UK, 134 - 155
Thin, N. Autres Aptitudes et Habitudes Diverses: Education Sentimentale et Dispositions au Bonheur. (Other aptitudes and Habits: Emotional Education and Disposition for Happiness).
Berthon, S.; Eds.: ''Ëthnology des Gens heureux",, Editions de la Maison de Sciences de l' Homme, 2009, Paris, 139 - 148
Piette, A. Phenomenographie de la Tranquilite et Antropologie ou la Presence. (Phenomenology of Tranquility and Anthropology Presence).
Berthon, S.; Eds.: ''Ethnology des Gens heureux",, Editions de la Maison de Scienes de l' Homme, 2009, Paris, 160 - 169
Morris, S. M. The Science of Happiness: A Cross-Cultural Perspective.
Selin, H.; Davey, G; Eds.: "Happiness Across Cultures. Views of Happiness and Quality of Life in Non-Western Cultures Across Cultures. The History of Non-Western Science 6.", Springer, 2012, New York, USA, 435 - 450
Thin, N. Why Anthropology Can Ill Afford to Ignore Well-Being.
Chapter 1 in: Pursuits of Happiness: Well-Being in Anthropological Perspective'', 2009, Berghahn Books, USA, 23 - 44
Dacanay, J.C. Beyond Rational Choice and Needs Gratification: Philosophical-Anthropological Perspectives of Happiness Economics as Human Flourishing
Ramiz, A.A. and Gomez, F.J.I. (Eds). Work in a Human Economy, 2018, Quale anima per il lavoro professionale, vol. IV, ESC, Rome, Italy
Freeman, D. G Techniques of happiness: Moving toward and away from the good life in a rural Ethiopian community
Hau: Journal of Ethnographic Theory 5 (3): 157–176
Smith, C.L.; Clay, P.M. Measuring Subjective and Objective Well-Being: Analyses from Five Marine Commercial Fisheries
Human Organization, 2010, Vol. 69, 158-168