Bibliographic Subjects » STUDY of HAPPINESS » Development of happiness research » Prominence of happiness as a research topic
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STUDY of HAPPINESS Development of happiness research Prominence of happiness as a research topic - Additional keywords
- Prominence of happiness as a research topic, attention for, interest in, popularity of, prevalence of happiness
- Related bibliographic subjects
- Related correlational subjects
- None
Publications that report an empirical study that used a valid measure of happiness, the results of which are eligible for inclusion in the findings archive
- No empirical study reported
- 0
- No valid measure of happiness used
- 0
- Eligible but not yet entered
- 2
- Eligible and included in findings archive (embedded studies)
- 0
List of Publications on this Subject
Aspinwall, L.G.;Staudinger, U.M.; Eds.: " A Psychology of Human Strength", American Psychological Association, 2002, Washington DC, USA, 131 - 147
Review of General Psychology, 1998, Vol. 2, 300 - 319
Primus Verlag, 2003, Germany
Presentation 16e world Congress of Sociology, 2006, Durban, South Africa
Social Indicators Research, 2006, Vol. 76, 343 - 466
Social Sciences Review, 2005, Vol. 10, 1 - 9
Conserveries Mémorielles, 2007, Vol. 2, 1 - 17
Berthon, S.; Eds.: ''Ethnology des Gens heureux",, Editions de la Maison de Scienes de l' Homme, 2009, Paris, 1 - 21
Grin Verlag, 2010, Germany
Children and Youth Services Review, 2006, Vol. 28, 799 - 811