Bibliographic Subjects » PURSUIT of HAPPINESS » Ways to greater happiness of individuals (micro level)
- Classification path
PURSUIT of HAPPINESS Ways to greater happiness of individuals (micro level) - Additional keywords
- Ways to greater happiness of individuals (micro level), happiness strategy, hedonic approach, Orientations to Happiness Questionnaire OTH or OHQ
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- Related correlational subjects
Publications that report an empirical study that used a valid measure of happiness, the results of which are eligible for inclusion in the findings archive
- No empirical study reported
- 0
- No valid measure of happiness used
- 0
- Eligible but not yet entered
- 6
- Eligible and included in findings archive (embedded studies)
- 0
List of Publications on this Subject
Journal of Happiness Studies, 2005, Vol. 6, 25 - 41
Social Indicators Research, 2010, Vol. 98, 239 - 249
Educational Psychology, 2009, Vol. 29, 139 - 151
Social Indicators Research, 2012, Vol. 106, 577 - 590
Social Indicators Research, 2014, Vol. 115, 1087 -1099
The Journal of Positive Psychology, 2013, Vol. 8, 116 - 127
The Journal of Positive Psychology, 2007, Vol.2, 149 - 156
Applied Research in Quality of Life, 2016, Vol. 11, 83 - 103
Journal of Happiness Studies, 2016, Vol.17, 713 - 729
Phd Dissertation, 2013, University of Canterbury, UK,