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Bibliographic Subjects » PURSUIT of HAPPINESS » Observed effects on happiness of interventions at individual level » Happiness trainings » Trainings using multiple methods » Happiness lessons in school

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PURSUIT of HAPPINESS Observed effects on happiness of interventions at individual level Happiness trainings Trainings using multiple methods Happiness lessons in school
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Happiness lessons in school, curriculum, course, class, teaching, tutoring
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Publications that report an empirical study that used a valid measure of happiness, the results of which are eligible for inclusion in the findings archive

No empirical study reported
No valid measure of happiness used
Eligible but not yet entered
Eligible and included in findings archive (embedded studies)

List of Publications on this Subject

Authors Title / Source Year Cubas Barragan, P. Happiness and Education. A Research on Values based Education
Paper University de las Americas, 2008, Puebla, Mexico
Boerefijn, J. Should Happiness be Taught at School?
Working Paper, Verwey-Jonker Instituut:, 2010, Utrecht, Netherlands
Boerefijn, J.; Bergsma, A. Geluksles verbetert Schoolprestaties. (Happiness Training adds to School Performance).
Tijdschrift voor Orthopedagogiek, 2011, Vol. 50, 110 - 121
Dijxhoorn, A.F. Increasing Children's Happiness. A Controlled Study on the Effectiveness of Lessons in Happiness in Grades 7 and 8 of Primary School. A Pilot.
Master Thesis, Leiden University, 2011, Leiden, Netherlands
Suldo, S.M.; Mercer, S.H.; Savage, J.A. Increasing Middle School Students’ Life Satisfaction: Efficacy of a Positive Psychology Group Intervention.
Journal of Happiness Studies, 2014, Vol. 15, 19 - 42
Popovic, N. Should Education Have Happiness Lessons?
David, S. A.; Boniwell, I.; Ayers, A. C.; Eds: "The Oxford Handbook of Happiness", Oxford University Press, 2013, Oxford, UK, 551 - 562
Morris, I. Going Beyond the Accidental: Happiness Education, and the Wellington College Experience.
David, S. A.; Boniwell, I.; Ayers, A. C.; Eds: "The Oxford Handbook of Happiness", Oxford University Press, 2013, Oxford, UK, 644 - 656
Leeuw, S. The Happy Factor. Lessons in Happiness, Can they Affect Well- Being, Classroom Climate and Academic Achievement?
Master Thesis, University Leiden, 2012, Leiden, The Netherlands
Shoshani, A.; Steinmetz, S. Positive Psychology at School: A School-Based Intervention to Promote Adolescents' Mental Health and Well-Being.
Journal of Happiness Studies, 2014, Vol. 15, 1289 - 1311
Boerefijn, J.; Bergsma, A. Gelukkig in Zes Lessen. Happy in Six Lessons.
Chapter 11 in Sturen In geluk; Social en Cultureel Planbureau, 2012, 86 - 91, Den Haag, The Netherlands