
Bibliographic subjects

Bibliographic Subjects » PREVALENCE of HAPPINESS » Level of happiness » Happiness level in places » Happiness levels in regions

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PREVALENCE of HAPPINESS Level of happiness Happiness level in places Happiness levels in regions
Additional keywords
Happiness levels in regions, district, canton, county, province, territory
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Related correlational subjects

Publications that report an empirical study that used a valid measure of happiness, the results of which are eligible for inclusion in the findings archive

No empirical study reported
No valid measure of happiness used
Eligible but not yet entered
Eligible and included in findings archive (embedded studies)

List of Publications on this Subject

Authors Title / Source Year Appleton, S. Survey Research on Taiwan.
Public Opinion Quarterly, 1976, Vol. 40, 468 - 481
Blishen, B.R.; Atkinson, T.H. Anglophone and Francophone Perceptions of the Quality of Life in Canada.
Szalai, A.; Andrews, F.; Eds.:" The Quality of Life, Comparative Studies.", Sage, 1980, London, 25 - 40
Blanchflower, D.G.; Oswald, A.J. Does Inequality Reduce Happiness? Evidence from the States of the USA from 1970s to the 1990s.
Paper presented in Milan, 2003, Italy
Fuentes Kraffczyk, N.C.; Borrego Alvarado, S.A.; Garcia Vega, J.J.; Gutierrez Gonzalez, M.D.; Tapia Vargas, A. La Felicidad y los Valores en el Area Metropolitana de Monterrey. (Happiness and Values in Metropolitan Monterry).
University of Monterrey, 2003, Mexico
Plaut, V.C.; Lachman, M.E.; Markus, H.R. Place Matters: Consensual Features and Regional Variation in American Well-Being and Self.
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 2002, Vol. 83, 160 - 184
Tiliouine, H.; Cummins, R.A.; Davern, M.T. Measuring Wellbeing in Developing Countries. The Case of Algeria.
Social Indicators Research, 2006, Vol. 75, 1- 30
Huschka, D. Entwicklungen der Deutschen Lebensqualität. Die Bundesländen im Vergleich. (Development of the German Quality of Life Former East and West Germany Compared).
Working Paper FS III 02-404, WZB, 2002, Berlin, Germany
CBS, Waardering Leefsituatie, 2002 . (Appreciation Living Condition 2002.)
Central Bureau for Statistics (CBS), 2004, The Hague, Netherlands
Cummins, R.A.; Davern, M.T.; Eckersley, R.; Misajon, R.A.; Pallant, J. Australian Unity Wellbeing Index. Survey 2, Report 2. Special Report on Income and Geographic Location.
Australian Center on Quality of Life, 2001, Melbourne, Australia
Markus, H.R.; Lachman, M.E.; Plaut, V.C. Well-Being in America: Core Features and Regional Patterns.
Brim, O.G.;Ryff, C.D.;Kessler, R.C.;Eds.: "How Healthy Are We? A National Study of Well-Being at Midlife", University of Chicago Press, 2004, USA, 614 - 650