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Bibliographic Subjects » PREVALENCE of HAPPINESS » Change in happiness over time » Trend of average happiness in places » Trend in regional happiness

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PREVALENCE of HAPPINESS Change in happiness over time Trend of average happiness in places Trend in regional happiness
Additional keywords
Trend in regional happiness, area, county, district, territory
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Publications that report an empirical study that used a valid measure of happiness, the results of which are eligible for inclusion in the findings archive

No empirical study reported
No valid measure of happiness used
Eligible but not yet entered
Eligible and included in findings archive (embedded studies)

List of Publications on this Subject

Authors Title / Source Year Michalos, A.C.; Zumbo, B.D. Leisure Activities, Health and the Quality of Life.
Michalos, A.C.;Ed.: "Essays on the Quality of Life", Kluwer, 2003, Dordrecht, Netherlands, 217 - 238
Huschka, D. Entwicklungen der Deutschen Lebensqualität. Die Bundesländen im Vergleich. (Development of the German Quality of Life Former East and West Germany Compared).
Working Paper FS III 02-404, WZB, 2002, Berlin, Germany
Schwarze, J.; Härpfer, M. Income Inequality, Redistribution and Well-Being.
Grözinger, G.; VanAaken, A..;Eds.: "Inequality: New Analytical Approaches", Metropolis Verlag, 2004, Marburg, Germany, 61 - 86
Rijpma, S.G.; DeGraaf, P.A. Gelukkig in Rotterdam. (Happy in Rotterdam).
Centre of Research and Statistics: "Wonen, Leven en Uitgaan in Rotterdam 1999", 2000, Rotterdam, Netherlands
Shen, S.M.; Lai, Y.L. Handling Incomplete Quality-of-Life Data.
Social Indicators Research, 2001, Vol. 55, 121 - 166
Shin, D.C. The Subjective Quality of Korean Life Twenty Years Later: The Sense of Well-Being and Ill-Being, 1981-2001.
Paper presented at ISQOLS Conference, November 2001, Washington DC, USA
Spellerberg, A.; Habich, R.; Huschka, D. Quality of Life in Rural Areas. Processes of Divergence and Convergence.
Social Indicators Research, 2007, Vol. 83, 283 - 307
Hinks, T.; Grün, C. What is the Structure of South African Happiness Equations? Evidence from Quality of Life Surveys.
Social Indicators Research, 2007, Vol.82, 311 - 336
Dössel, C. Stabilität und Wandel von objektiven un subjektiven Determinanten der Lebenszufriedenheit. (Stability and Change in Objective and Subjective Determinants of Life-Satisfaction).
Dissertation, University of Potsdam, 1998, Germany
Shen, S.M. An Attempt to Build Up an Index Series for the Quality of Life in Hong Kong.
Chinese University of Hong Kong: "New Frontiers of Social Research", 1999, 129 -149